What makes schools call The Best Schools in Bahrain?

international schools Bahrain
Test score performance isn't an accurate indicator of a school's overall quality

While test scores can be a useful indicator of how well a school is doing, they're not the only factor that determines school quality. Out-of-school learning experiences and family resources can also affect student test scores. For example, a child with well-educated parents is more likely to get good grades than a child whose parents are poorly educated. Moreover, students' neighbourhood peers and their classmates can have an impact on student test scores. Let's find out more details about the best schools in Bahrain.

While test scores have been a popular way to evaluate schools in Bahrain, they often obscure other factors. Because no two schools are exactly alike, treating test scores as a single variable can make them misleading. In addition to the fact that no two schools are identical, treating raw achievement levels as a standard of school quality doesn't tell us anything about a student's identity. In fact, many students bring diverse backgrounds and learning environments to school.

Best Schools in Bahrain

Schools with a strong homework policy

Homework policies can vary wildly between public and private schools in Bahrain, so it is important for parents to know what their choices are before deciding where to send their children. Homework policies should be based on relevant research and be clearly communicated to students and teachers. In addition, homework policies must be appropriate for each child.

Some critics of homework policies point out that it slows down class time and leaves students less time for studying. It also means teachers have less time to teach. This can prevent them from covering critical material and preparing all students for the next grade. However, others cite the benefits of strict homework policies. They free up extra time that students can use for extracurricular activities, socializing, and hobbies.

The traditional view of homework is that it should be a collaborative effort between the school and parents. Many homework policies encourage parents to meet with their child's teacher to explore the best ways to support them with homework.

Schools in Bahrain

Schools that encourage parental involvement

A school's PTA is a vital part of the community, as they often promote parent involvement and support. A PTA can organize special events, technology nights, and other educational opportunities for parents and students. It can also inform parents about community resources and services. It can also help by organizing workshops for parents to help them become advocates for their children's learning.

Parental involvement in the best schools in Bahrain is beneficial for students and for teachers. Parental involvement helps teachers understand students better and alleviates mistrust between parents and teachers. As a result, parents are more engaged and feel confident about the school's performance. Parental involvement can also boost morale and improve communication between teachers and parents.

The best Schools in Bahrain must communicate actionable information, such as classroom assignments, upcoming extracurricular activities, and special events, in order to engage parents. Too often, communication with parents focuses on bare essentials, like school calendars and homework assignments. While this may be fine for some schools in Bahrain, many parents dread phone calls from their children's schools. Instead, they should look for opportunities to share the good news about their children.


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